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Reach regulation and compliance of chemical substance


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Whether you are a manufacturer or user of chemical substances, Equitox guides you through your REACh regulatory compliance process. Based on the assessment of your obligations, we define the best strategy for your products.

I wish to be in compliance with REACh…

…and I need assistance in the preparation of the technical registration dossier


  • Searches for and analyses existing data, and submits Inquiries to ECHA,
  • Determines the registration strategy,
  • Makes exemption requests for product and process-oriented research and development (PPORD),
  • Sets out a data acquisition strategy,
  • Generates missing data,
  • Creates the IUCLID dossier and the Chemical Safety Report (CSR).

…and I would like someone to deal with the administrative part of the registration process for me


  • Represents you within SIEFs and consortia,
  • Ensures compliance with data sharing rules and the cost of the letter of access.
  • Manages your REACh-IT account.

…and I would like to update dossiers already registered


  • Identifies compliance deviations
  • Assists with substance identification issues,
  • Verifies the strictly controlled conditions (SCC) of intermediates,
  • Updates your dossiers with more relevant data to make sure ECHA does not prioritise your substances.

What happens to my dossier once it has been registered?

What should I do if my dossier is evaluated?


  • Explains ECHA’s requests to you,
  • Supports you during consultation stages to bring forward admissible arguments likely to challenge the Authorities’ requirements,
  • Helps ensure the compliance of your dossier, based on its in-depth knowledge of guidance documents and its technical expertise.

What should I do if my substance is evaluated?


  • Puts in place an alert on priority substances in your company or on your strategic raw materials, which will be evaluated in the coming years,
  • Informs you of issues targeted by the authorities (e.g. PBT, Endocrine Disruptor, etc.) ,
  • Helps you answer the questions asked. To do this, Equitox develops all its arguments and expertise to minimise resultant costs.

What should I do in the event of a restriction (project)?


  • Analyses the impact of this restriction on your markets or raw materials,
  • Explores a range of possible options: production shutdown, development of a substitute product, shifts in the production chain, etc.

What should I do if my substance falls under the authorisation process?


  • Identifies in advance potential future substances of very high concern (SVHC),
  • Monitors changes to the candidate list and explains the resulting obligations,
  • Informs you of ECHA prioritisation, substances included in annexe XIV and the consequences for your markets,
  • Contributes to the preparation of your authorisation dossiers.

But also…

I would like assistance in preparing my extended SDSs


  • Audits your SDSs,
  • Drafts annexes to SDSs.

I would like to know whether my use complies with my supplier’s eSDS


  • Analyses your conditions of use and compares them with those indicated in the exposure scenarios featured in your supplier’s SDS,
  • Facilitates exchanges with your suppliers if deviations are identified,
  • Outlines possible alternatives in case of non-compliance with the eSDS,
  • Draws up the chemical safety report (DU-CSR) taking into account your conditions of use.

I would like assistance in my dealings with national authorities or ECHA


  • is involved in interactions with the authorities (written communications and meetings),
  • Queries help desks in a totally confidential manner,
  • Submits notifications to ECHA (authorised use for substance included in Annexe XIV, Candidate list substance in article, use not supported by supplier, different classification).

I would like to be informed of regulatory developments and anticipate future changes


  • Regularly monitors developments specific to your situation, products and markets,
  • Anticipates future regulatory developments (Polymers, PMT),
  • Analyses major alerts which may concern your products (classification, restriction, SVHC),
  • Analyses regulatory positioning for your R&D projects.

I would like to conduct a Due Diligence review


  • Audits the product portfolio prior to an acquisition or merger, with a view to clearly mapping out the regulatory status of substances,
  • Anticipates possible restrictions or prohibitions which could affect products in the near future.