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Reach regulation, biocidal products and CSR policy customers

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Client satisfaction survey

In June 2018, we performed a client satisfaction survey on the basis of criteria listed by ECHA “check list to hire a good consultant”. The results of this survey are the following :

Satisfaction survey

  • 96% 96%

Satisfaction indicators (calculation by the sum of « Strongly agree » and « Agree » on the total of answers ; response rate: 43%)

  • Communication/Transparency (information from quotations):
    89% satisfaction
  • Communication/efficiency (organisation put in place):
    100% satisfaction
  • Quality of services/Client consideration and listening :
    100% satisfaction
  • Quality of services/Transparency (regarding our skills and abilities):
    89% satisfaction
  • Quality of services/ Efficiency (level of expertise and efficacy):
    100% satisfaction
  • Deadlines met and responsiveness:
    95% satisfaction

Client effort indicator

  • 90% 90%
​The very good score of 1.5 was obtained. 100% of our clients consider that it is easy, even very easy to work with Equitox.

Recommendation indicator

  • 84% 84%
​NPS Indicator considered as good if it is positive and excellent from +50. 100% of our clients would recommend Equitox to colleagues.