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Environmental toxicology and REACh regulation experts

Equitox, who we are?

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Our values

Equitox was founded around strong values

These values are an integral part of how we perceive our business and the relationships we develop with our customers. They have guided us throughout our many years of experience.

These values are:

Focus on the customer

​With more than 100 years of combined experience in the corporate sector, we are familiar with your working environment, the necessary search for development and expansion into new markets. Your key concerns are to optimise costs for an impeccable service. We adapt our services to your needs in accordance with our demanding quality standards.


Because you entrust us with sensitive information on your compositions or markets, counting on us to successfully complete a marketing project and relying on our opinion for your R&D programmes, we must build a trust-based relationship together.


The science/regulation/industry triptych requires rigour, formalism and pragmatism. These 3 qualities are intrinsic to our professional activities. Excellence means applying science to a regulatory context while taking your industrial objectives into account!


To transform your R&D projects and regulatory dossiers into economic development, high-quality support is of the essence. We endeavour to provide you with the highest level of expertise through the regular training of Equitox members, participation in conferences or learned societies.


Regulatory expertise is not an exact science. We are constantly learning from past experiences, from the understanding of evolving regulations and their necessary interpretation. We compare notes and consult our network, with the utmost confidentiality, to provide you with the solution we deem best suited to your needs.

Equitox is a Participatory and Cooperative Company (SCOP)

This legal structure guarantees the sustainability of the company and jobs. The organisation and operation implemented ensure the healthy and fair management of the company while promoting long-term relationships with our customers.

Our team


Benoit FRAYSSE Regulatory (eco)toxicologist, PhD

Expert in toxicology, environmental toxicology and REACh regulation, Biocide, Bioaccumulation, (Q)SAR, reproductive toxicity, Health risk assessment, Phosphorus derivatives and metals.

Regulatory e...Lire la suite



Regulatory (eco)toxicologist, PhD

Expert in toxicology, environmental toxicology and REACh regulation, Biocide, Bioaccumulation, (Q)SAR, reproductive toxicity, Health risk assessment, Phosphorus derivatives and metals.

Regulatory environmental toxicologist with 6 years’ experience in the chemical industry. Upon completion of his thesis at the French Institute for Radiological protection and Nuclear Safety, Benoit developed his expertise for 3 years as a post-doctoral student, combining research and higher education (Cemagref, University of Reims).

Benoit’s areas of expertise are the combined analysis of the hazard properties of substances (physical chemistry, environment, health) by using experimental or in silico tools (QSARs) to determine the classification of a product or assess its potential risk for health and the environment. As part of the international issues he has been involved in, Benoit has developed specific expertise in the toxicity domains for the development and assessment of the health risk to workers (REACh and Biocide exposure scenarios) and proactive discussions with the competent European and US authorities.

Stéphanie MOULIN

Stéphanie MOULIN Regulatory toxicologist, MSC

Expert in toxicology and REACh regulation, (e)SDS, Short-term toxicity, mutagenesis, sensitisation, laboratory qualification, cosmetic ingredient safety assessment.

After starting her career in the...Lire la suite

Stéphanie MOULIN

Stéphanie MOULIN

Regulatory toxicologist, MSC

Expert in toxicology and REACh regulation, (e)SDS, Short-term toxicity, mutagenesis, sensitisation, laboratory qualification, cosmetic ingredient safety assessment.

After starting her career in the CNRS’s chemical risk prevention unit and as a teacher, Stéphanie worked in the chemical industry for 10 years as a regulatory toxicologist.

Stéphanie’s areas of expertise are: testing strategies and how to minimise tests through analogy and “weight of evidence” approaches; laboratory qualification and management of toxicological studies; strategic and technical assistance with the regulatory compliance process in Europe and other regions, via the creation of dossiers and by arguing the case of products with the Authorities and customers.


Céline GOULOIS Regulatory (eco)toxicologist, MsC

Expert in toxicology, environmental toxicology, REACh and CLP regulations, risk assessment, Safety Data Sheets.

She studied chemistry and has a Master in Environmental Toxicology. Before joining Eq...Lire la suite



Regulatory (eco)toxicologist, MsC

Expert in toxicology, environmental toxicology, REACh and CLP regulations, risk assessment, Safety Data Sheets.

She studied chemistry and has a Master in Environmental Toxicology. Before joining Equitox in 2014, Céline spent 12 years as a consultant in several international consultancy firms (Altran, SGS) where she was in charge of the preparation and validation of technical documents, hazard classification, and REACH (registration, risk assessment, technical support).

Céline’s skills are the technical coordination of REACH registration dossiers, with a substantial experience in SIEF communication and dossier compilation.


Farah KORAÏCHI-EMERIAU Regulatory Toxicologist, Pharm D, PhD

Expert in toxicology, REACh and CLP regulations, endocrine disruptors, medical devices

Following a Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy and a Master of Science, Farah completed her education with a PhD the...Lire la suite



Regulatory Toxicologist, Pharm D, PhD

Expert in toxicology, REACh and CLP regulations, endocrine disruptors, medical devices

Following a Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy and a Master of Science, Farah completed her education with a PhD thesis on an Estrogen-mimetic mycotoxin that affects the reproductive system. She had the opportunity to gain a solid knowledge on the specific characteristics of endocrine disruptors, as well as on their various and complex mechanisms of action.

Before integrating the Eco/Toxicologists team of Equitox in 2015, Farah worked 4 ½ years in the areas of health (biological analysis, study direction in medical device) and research. Then, she joined the Solvay industrial group to take part in the CLP-classification project of mixtures, and to help out with the constitution of REACh-2018 registration dossiers.

Thanks to her adaptability and background within different sectors, her skills are focused on various fields including: project management, REACh registration dossiers, establishment of toxicological substance profiles, monitoring of toxicological studies, testing strategies proposals for R&D or under various regulations (REACh, CLP, Medical devices, cosmetics, etc.).

Victor DIAS

Victor DIAS Regulatory environmental toxicologist, PhD

Expert in environmental toxicology, Endocrine disruptors, Environmental risk assessment, REACh and Biocides regulations.

Before joining the EquiTox team in 2016, Victor spent 5 years as a regulator...Lire la suite

Victor DIAS

Victor DIAS

Regulatory environmental toxicologist, PhD

Expert in environmental toxicology, Endocrine disruptors, Environmental risk assessment, REACh and Biocides regulations.

Before joining the EquiTox team in 2016, Victor spent 5 years as a regulatory ecotoxicologist at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES). He had in charge the evaluation of numerous dossiers for the authorization of biocidal active substances and products, and had actively contributed to the revision of the environmental exposure scenarios of different biocidal product types at the European level. He has also been involved in several REACH processes at the French and European level, whose aim was to prioritize and evaluate potential substances of concern, especially endocrine disruptors.

His background within the authorities, as well as the skills developed in the characterization of hazard, exposure and environmental risk assessment related to the uses of substances, enable him to provide technical and scientific elements in accordance with the expectations of the authorities in a complex and constantly evolving multi-regulatory context.


Esther BELADE Regulatory toxicologist, PhD

Expert in toxicology, Nanomaterials, REACh and CLP regulations, Fertilising products

Before joining the Equitox team in 2021, Esther spent 5 years in the chemical industry, as a regulatory toxicolo...Lire la suite



Regulatory toxicologist, PhD

Expert in toxicology, Nanomaterials, REACh and CLP regulations, Fertilising products

Before joining the Equitox team in 2021, Esther spent 5 years in the chemical industry, as a regulatory toxicologist consultant for Solvay, where she took charge of the compilation of REACh registration dossiers (nanometric substances), the elaboration of toxicological substance profiles and CLP classification. Thereafter, for 3 ½ years, she worked for SBM as a regulatory manager in charge of plant protection products (PPP) in France as well as fertilising products at a European level, both product ranges for amateur use.

With her background as a researcher in toxicology, acquired during her PhD carried out in the INSERM 955 unit in Créteil on the toxicological impact of nanomaterials, reinforced by her professional experience in companies involving regulations relating to different markets, Esther can specifically operate on areas such as nanomaterials, health hazard assessment, CLP classification, REACh dossiers, authorisations for PPP and fertilising products, as well as communication with Authorities.


David LEJON Regulatory Environmental toxicologist, PhD

Expert in aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology, study monitoring under various regulations (REACh, pesticides, biocides, etc…).

Holding a PhD in soil science, David spent 8 years as study direc...Lire la suite



Regulatory Environmental toxicologist, PhD

Expert in aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology, study monitoring under various regulations (REACh, pesticides, biocides, etc…).

Holding a PhD in soil science, David spent 8 years as study director in a contract research organization specialized in regulatory ecotoxicology. His main activity included the direction of studies (GLP) in aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology in different regulatory contexts. His other tasks focused on the development and direction of high tiers studies: bioconcentration, detection of disruptive effects on the endocrine system, ...

Thus, for more than 15 years, David has dedicated his professional activity to the study and the understanding of the impact of chemical or biological substances on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. These activities were carried out on behalf of clients (chemical, agrochemical, biocontrol industries, etc.) and as part of multidisciplinary projects.

His background allows him to work on many product profiles, to identify, anticipate and assess the characteristics and the difficulties for some substances to be tested, and thus to propose a compliance strategy adapted to each case.


Marie-Laure TEISSEIRE Regulatory environmental toxicologist, Pharm D, PhD, ERT

Expert in environmental toxicology and REACh regulation, Risk assessment, (e)SDS, Physical chemistry, Difficult substances.

Currently on sabbatical.



Regulatory environmental toxicologist, Pharm D, PhD, ERT

Expert in environmental toxicology and REACh regulation, Risk assessment, (e)SDS, Physical chemistry, Difficult substances.

Currently on sabbatical.

Christine RETEUNA

Christine RETEUNA Regulatory environmental toxicologist, PhD, ERT

Christine RETEUNA

Christine RETEUNA

Regulatory environmental toxicologist, PhD, ERT

A small company that is good for you

We are a small company and we are proud of it!

Being a small company also means being a Highly Efficient Company founded by Highly Efficient Experts! Each of us has 5 to 30 years of experience in regulatory toxicology and ecotoxicology applied to chemical substances.

Our objective is to find solutions that work best for you.

How? By being attentive to your concerns, by providing you with an experienced team building proposals suited to your needs in complete transparency, while delivering quality work. We offer you the opportunity of simple, direct relationships with professionals, in an atmosphere of mutual trust.

Equitox, experts en éco-toxicologie

Equitox in a nutshell

  • Our customers put their trust in us: successfully guided through their regulatory compliance (REACH, Biocidal Products, CLP, etc.) as well as change management processes when developing new products, many of them responded to the survey conducted in June 2018.
  • 8 highly qualified individuals (MSc, Dr, Pharm D, ERT), with 30 years’ experience in the monitoring of regulatory developments and applications to chemicals, are the keys to this success.
  • 100% of our customers feel that working with Equitox is easy, or even very easy. A project team is assigned to you, with a dedicated point of contact and a second expert selected for complementary purposes. This customised project team has a thorough technical and administrative understanding of your dossiers and adheres to deadlines.
  • The prices we charge are fair and transparent. Our operating costs are optimised. Our financial proposals are appropriate and specified in a totally transparent manner.
  • Your projects are closely monitored through our quality and archiving system developed internally, guaranteeing the traceability of communication flows. Therefore every member of Equitox can quickly get up to speed and start working on any project, where necessary.

Equitox’s Corporate Social Responsibility


EQUITOX was founded on strong values: ethics, trust, and fairness. Naturally, the Participatory and Cooperative Company (SCOP) status was chosen to best meet the aspirations of its founders.

The heart of EQUITOX’s organization relies on democratic and shared governance, with economic involvement of all employees (all partners of EQUITOX). The commitment of the employees is complete, both towards the clients and the company.

After over a decade of existence, EQUITOX has reached maturity to establish and communicate its various commitments regarding governance, working relationships and conditions, ethics, and environmental concerns. These are all central topics of CSR.

These commitments are materialized through the writing of charters and the monitoring of indicators selected for their relevance to our business consulting activity:

  • Our governance charter relates the cooperative values and identity to which we subscribe. It also describes the governance principles inherent to any SCOP. These are reviewed annually by an independent third-party organization as part of the cooperative review. Since its inception, EQUITOX can boast being in full compliance with the application of cooperative principles and the interests of members.
  • Our code of ethics reflects the seven fundamental values of the Syntec consulting companies’ code of ethics: (i) professional integrity, (ii) integrity and independence of advice, (iii) quality of services and professional skills, (iv) protection of data confidentiality, (v) transparency, (vi) knowledge transfer, and (vii) loyalty. Commitments, intrinsic to our understanding of the consulting profession, are made on each of these points.
  • This charter is complemented by the consultant’s professional code and the internal training charter. Both represent our vision of the profession and the means implemented to practice it, for the well-being of employees/partners as well as for the needs of our clients.
  • Lastly, environmental concerns are at the heart of Equitox’s activities. Our environmental charter aims to define our actions to limit our environmental impact through (i) raising awareness among our stakeholders, (ii) reducing resource usage, (iii) responsible digital usage, (iv) a responsible procurement strategy, and (v) our contribution to territorial and associative development.

AXELERA, pôle de compétitivité Chimie-Environnement Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Since 2019, EQUITOX has been a member of AXELERA, the Chemistry-Environment Competitiveness Cluster in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. As such, we actively contribute to the network's local initiatives focused on sustainable development and innovation in areas such as eco-design, the valorisation of renewable raw materials and waste/end-of-life products, persistence, and degradability.

Cosmet’in Lyon

Cosmet’in Lyon promotes, encourages, and brings together stakeholders in the cosmetics sector. Cosmet’in Lyon organises scientific conferences, seminars, workshops, and events related to innovation, research and development, and training in dermocosmetology.

AFAÏA, syndicat professionnel des acteurs de la filière des supports de culture

Since 2022, EQUITOX has been an associate member of AFAÏA, the professional union representing stakeholders in the sectors of growing media, mulches, organic amendments, organic and organo-mineral fertilisers, and biostimulants. As such, we actively contribute to the regulatory activities of the union. In this context, we support players in the fertiliser market with the regulatory developments in the sector, while being aware of the challenges faced by the industry.

SCOP (Sociétés coopératives et participatives)

Equitox is part of the SCOP network (Cooperative and Participatory Companies). We participate in the network's events and are supported by a delegate from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Union.

QUALIOPI certification

Since 2023, Equitox has been Qualiopi-certified in the category of training activities. This is an additional guarantee of the quality of our training services!

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Démarche RSE