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CSR policy and management, environment safety

Environmental Safety

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With regulatory ecotoxicology as an entry point, Equitox supports you throughout the life cycle of your products, when the notion of environmental safety is of the essence. As such, Equitox is a genuine partner of your CSR approach (Corporate Social Responsibility).

I want to make sure that I comply with regulatory obligations in terms of environmental safety


  • Analyses your obligations under REACH, Biocidal Products regulations,

  • Collects existing environmental data,

  • Generates missing data, necessary for regulatory compliance, from test laboratories,

  • Assesses environmental risks for the uses envisaged, in accordance with European guidance documents,

  • Makes sure you properly communicate on the environmental hazards of the substances/products you place on the market (SDS, label, commercial documents),

  • And verifies that your use of the products is safe for the environment (compliance with the supplier’s extended SDS: risk management measures, release into the environment).

I wish to develop more environmentally friendly products

Equitox provides you with the expertise to:

  • Analyse the information available and define the exact positioning of your product and/or those of your competitors,

  • Build data acquisition strategies (tests or QSAR) to qualify products based on their properties and the application market,

  • Help you find the right products for the right markets,

  • Guide you through the process of obtaining an Eco-label,

  • Draft internal communication documents, documents intended for your customers or the authorities.

I want to anticipate the changes which will affect me


  • Monitors the classification, restriction or authorisation projects likely to have an impact on you,
  • Anticipates legislative changes and their consequences, by monitoring new regulations (e.g. restrictions on microplastics), ongoing studies (Polymers), emerging issues (Endocrine disruptors, PBT/vPvB/PMT),
  • Also monitors scientific developments (analysis of publications) on your ranges of strategic products or specific properties.