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New year, new visual identity, new website! | Equitox
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At the start of 2020, and to celebrate our 8 years of existence, we are proud to present the new visual identity of Equitox. Through this development, we wanted to reaffirm our values ​​and our missions.

Thus, the new logo, without making a clean sweep of the previous one, makes more clearly the interconnection of our two fields of activity which are the environment, represented by fish, and human health.

Our slogan ” Safety beyond compliance ” clearly shows our positioning: beyond supporting you in bringing your products into regulatory compliance, we put all our expertise to work to help you develop safer products for people and the environment.

Our website (www.equitox.eu) has also been redesigned to clarify our offer around the 6 main areas:

  • REACh,
  • Biocide,
  • Medical device,
  • Safety of workers and consumers,
  • Environmental safety,
  • Training courses.

We approached each thematic from the angle of your needs and your questions, providing adapted answers.

The website is now completed with a blog which will aim to regularly focus on regulatory points or on news.

You will no doubt share our enthusiasm for this new visual identity. With our best wishes for 2020!