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EQUITOX is pleased to welcome a new member to its team, Esther Belade. Esther is a regulatory toxicologist, expert in toxicology, Nanomaterials, REACh and CLP regulations and Fertilising products.

Before joining the EQUITOX team in 2021, Esther spent 5 years in the chemical industry, as a regulatory toxicologist consultant for Solvay, where she took charge of the compilation of REACh registration dossiers (nanometric substances), the elaboration of toxicological substance profiles and CLP classification. Thereafter, for 3 ½ years, she worked for SBM as a regulatory manager in charge of plant protection products (PPP) in France as well as fertilising products at a European level, both product ranges for amateur use.

With her background as a researcher in toxicology, acquired during her PhD carried out in the INSERM 955 unit in Créteil on the toxicological impact of nanomaterials, reinforced by her professional experience in companies involving regulations relating to different markets, Esther can specifically operate on areas such as nanomaterials, health hazard assessment, CLP classification, REACh dossiers, authorisations for PPP and fertilising products, as well as communication with Authorities.


Read more on the EQUITOX team: https://www.equitox.eu/en/equitox-who-we-are